The Zentangle Method is a simple, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. These patterns are called tangles. Tangles are usually drawn on small pieces of paper called tiles as they can be assembled into mosaics.
There are no ‘mistakes’ and very little limits in Zentangle Art. Creations are often unplanned and free
flow. This extremely liberal approach to art encourages self-respect and respect for your creativity.
Zentangle has positive influences on the following areas:
• Concentration / Focus
• Creativity / Imagination
• Self-esteem / Self-belief
• Increase Awareness and Self-Awareness
• Problem Solving Skills / Respond confidently to the unexpected
• Discover the fun and healing in creative expression
• Enter a vibrant and supportive world-wide community
• And perhaps most importantly . . . Having fun!
For private group price, please email info@icareworkshop.com
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85 Canadian dollars